Maxthon’s 3-Step Approach to Better Security
At Maxthon, security and privacy aren’t terms to be thrown around, they are a promise. We have the arsenal of security systems and processes to keep you and your data safe as you freely enjoy your web the way you want it, when you want it, wherever you want it. We look the question of security in three major areas: (1) Encryption for over the air (OTA) processes; (2) Data management in the Cloud and (3) Personnel practices.
Let’s look at the 3 areas using the Maxthon Cloud browser, starting with number one. In most browsers and websites most of these requests aren’t encrypted. Device encryption is based on the concept of cryptography, a method long used to keep information secret. User information such as favorites and browsing history is translated into an encryption algorithm and spread out amongst several different web servers, turning it into unreadable text.
If you’re in a place using an insecure WiFi network and passing unencrypted requests to the web someone could easily be ‘listening’ to every http request you make and reading the un-encrypted strings of text – which could include your personal information and conversations. You don’t have to worry about that when you use the Maxthon Cloud Browser. Every time you share, send or sync something with our product it’s encrypted – to the AES 256 standard.
In our second area of protect, we look at how Maxthon manages your data in the Cloud. Once you make that request and our Cloud Browser encrypts it and sends it to your Cloud account we add another wall of defense. Your (now-encrypted) data is then cryptographically ‘hashed’ and distributed to different servers in our architecture. Basically, it’s chopped up into many chunks, which are separately encrypted.
Finally, we take a serious approach to personnel practices – especially around who can access our infrastructure and the reasons justifying sporadic access. Long story short, there are a very small number of Maxthon network operations team members who can even access any of the servers your data (now-encrypted and now-hashed) is now spread out on.
Finally, there’s the ‘key’ – which is how to unlock this data. Some cloud services maintain the customer’s ‘key’ in their cloud. Maxthon chose to keep that limited to the physical device – meaning you would have to have physical possession of the device in question to access decrypted Cloud content.
We don’t make it easy for hackers. Simply put, if an unauthorized individual or government agency tries to hack your browser looking for data or files, they will be met with a wall of mumbo-jumbo and your information remains safe.
Karl Mattson
Vice President