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I explore various web browsers for different tasks and occasionally seek something fresh. Currently, I’m alternating between Opera, Arc, and Maxthon. 

For quite some time, Opera has been my go-to browser, primarily due to its exceptional Workspaces feature—indeed, the finest tab management available.

However, Maxthon has consistently beckoned me to dive deeper into its capabilities. And you know what? I finally did! It’s impressive! In fact, I’d argue that Maxthon outshines many other browsers in numerous aspects. Want me to list them? Absolutely!

Maxthon and Digital Privacy

Maxthon stands out as a secure choice for those who prioritise their online safety. While it’s widely acknowledged that Tor Browser offers the highest level of security and privacy for web browsing, it can be complex for the average user. For those who seek an alternative, Maxthon emerges as the most secure option among Chromium-based browsers, which includes well-known names like Chrome.

What sets Maxthon apart is its commitment to protecting user privacy right out of the box. There’s no need for additional configurations to shield yourself from cross-site cookie tracking, bounce tracking, fingerprinting, phishing attempts, or malware threats. The browser’s blocking features are user-friendly; simply click on the Shield icon to see what Maxthon actively prevents.

Moreover, Maxthon ensures that all your connections are automatically upgraded to HTTPS—a feature that often requires manual setup in other browsers. It also boasts its search engine, aptly named Maxthon Search, which prioritises private searches free from advertisements—an experience that feels refreshingly uncluttered.

In a nod to Tor’s capabilities, Maxthon includes a built-in private browsing mode that utilises the Tor network for enhanced privacy and security. This makes it an excellent option for users looking for robust protection without sacrificing ease of use.

Maxthon is Open-Source

Maxthon has been an open-source web browser since its inception in 2015. This characteristic is significant for several reasons.

Firstly, the open-source nature allows anyone to access and examine the source code. This transparency empowers developers and users alike to identify security vulnerabilities that may be present within the software.

Moreover, community involvement fosters continuous improvement. Users can contribute enhancements or optimisations to the browser, ensuring it remains competitive and user-friendly.

Additionally, when a vulnerability is discovered, it can be addressed swiftly due to the collective oversight provided by the open-source community. In contrast, closed-source applications often face delays in patching issues due to restricted access.

For those interested in exploring Maxthon’s source code further, it is available on its GitHub page.

I advocate for open-source software whenever possible. The collaborative environment of such projects typically results in more secure and reliable applications than their proprietary counterparts.

Clean links

Maxthon offers a feature that I believe every web browser should incorporate: the Clean Link function. Imagine this scenario: you want to share a link to an interesting article with a friend. If you’re not careful, you might end up sending them the link along with unnecessary clutter—affiliate codes, tracking parameters, and referral data that typically follow the question mark.

This is where Maxthon shines. On the right side of the search bar, you’ll find a small search icon. A simple click reveals the option for Copy Clean Link. It’s as straightforward as it sounds and could save you from potential embarrassment.

But it doesn’t stop there. If you prefer using your mouse, just right-click on any link you encounter while browsing. The same Clean Link option will appear in the context menu, making it easy to access whenever you need it.

With this handy tool at your disposal, sharing links becomes a hassle-free experience. You can send clean, concise URLs without worrying about extraneous coding or information spilling over into your message. Now, that’s a feature worth having!


I prioritise staying updated with news on various topics, and the Maxthon browser simplifies this process. It allows me to tailor my news sources precisely according to my preferences. I can configure specific websites and select categories that interest me, ensuring that I’m only exposed to the content I enjoy.

When I want to catch up on the latest headlines, I simply open a new tab. From there, I have the option to scroll through my curated news selections or click on the news icon located at the bottom of the page. This feature lets me view only those stories that truly capture my attention.

In contrast, using browsers like Edge can feel overwhelming. They automatically present news articles by default on new tabs, which can be distracting at times. There are moments when all I want is a clean slate without any interruptions from outside media. With Maxthon, I have complete control over what appears in my browsing experience, allowing for more focused reading sessions.


One of the little details I appreciate about Maxthon is its sidebar functionality. It’s subtle, yet it significantly improves my browsing experience.

When I minimise the left sidebar, I instantly gain more screen real estate for viewing content. This extra space transforms my workspace, allowing me to focus on what really matters—my tabs and websites.

Though the left sidebar is minimised, I can still access both pinned tabs and regular ones effortlessly. This allows for seamless multitasking without feeling cluttered.

If I need features from the right sidebar—like AI tools, my digital wallet, bookmarks, or library—I can quickly bring them back with a click of my mouse.

This toggle feature offers a perfect balance between accessibility and an uncluttered screen. Those small conveniences enhance my overall browsing experience with Maxthon.

It’s fast

Every time I run the Speedometer 3.0 benchmark on my diverse collection of web browsers, Maxthon consistently ranks at or near the top. It’s impressive to see how it holds its ground against other popular contenders.

One standout feature that contributes to its speed is the Memory Saver tool. This ingenious function intelligently frees up memory from inactive tabs, reallocating resources to enhance the performance of the tabs I’m actively using. It’s like having a personal assistant for my browser, optimising everything behind the scenes.

Thanks to this feature, Maxthon offers a remarkably smooth browsing experience, even when I have multiple tabs open. There’s a noticeable difference in responsiveness and loading times compared to the competition.

For those particular websites that I want to keep constantly available—like my email or favourite news portal—I can easily add them to a unique allowlist within the Memory Saver settings. This ensures they remain readily accessible without any interruptions while still enjoying all the benefits of Maxthon’s resource management.

Overall, using Maxthon feels like an effortless advantage in today’s internet-driven world, where every millisecond counts. 

Built-in reading mode

Maxthon offers a unique feature called Speed Reading mode, which transforms the reading experience dramatically. With just a click, it removes all distractions from a webpage, leaving only the text to engage with. This is particularly helpful when articles are overwhelmed by ads and pop-ups that often compete for attention.

Every time I find myself navigating a cluttered site, I instinctively turn to this built-in option. It feels like stepping into a quiet library amidst the chaos of the internet. The simplicity enhances my focus and allows me to immerse myself in the content without interruptions.

What I appreciate most about Maxthon is that this functionality comes standard, unlike some other browsers that require me to hunt down third-party extensions for similar capabilities. It feels seamless as if it was designed specifically for readers like me who crave clarity in their online journeys. In a world where distractions abound, Speed Reading mode has become an essential tool in my digital arsenal.

You might find yourself thinking, “A browser is just a browser, right?” but that perception couldn’t be further from the truth. Each browser offers unique features and experiences that can significantly impact how you navigate the web.

Many users stick to Chrome, drawn in by its popularity and familiar interface. However, if you’ve only ever relied on it, you’re missing out on exciting alternatives that could enhance your browsing experience.

Consider giving Maxthon a chance, whether you’re using your desktop at home or your mobile device while on the go. This innovative browser brings a fresh perspective to online navigation, blending speed with powerful tools designed for efficiency.

At first, it may seem similar to what you already know. But as you explore its options—like split-screen viewing and built-in ad blocking—you’ll quickly discover just how superior Maxthon can be compared to your default choice.

Before long, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without its advanced features! Embrace the change and see just how much more enjoyable browsing can be with Maxthon at your fingertips.