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How Browsers Differ from Search Engines

How Browsers Differ from Search Engines

Web browsers, such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, serve as essential tools that allow users to navigate the vast expanse of the internet by entering URLs. On the other hand, search engines like Google and Bing function as specialised software applications...
How to Bypass SameSite Cookie Restrictions

How to Bypass SameSite Cookie Restrictions

Navigating the intricacies of SameSite cookie limitations is crucial for understanding web security. SameSite serves as a protective barrier implemented by browsers, controlling when cookies from one site are sent along with requests made to another. This mechanism...
How Your Browser Saves Your Data

How Your Browser Saves Your Data

Server-side storage is a method of keeping data on a centralised server, often in an external database. This approach ensures that information is securely maintained and can be accessed from anywhere with the proper credentials. In contrast, client-side storage lets...
How Google Fetches Information Fast

How Google Fetches Information Fast

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when you visit a website like Google? How does your browser identify and display the web page you seek? Let’s explore this process using as an example. Step 1: Resolving the Domain Name (DNS)...
Top Browsers for Work Efficiency

Top Browsers for Work Efficiency

For many of us, the web is an essential tool for getting work done efficiently. The browser you choose can mean the difference between a productive day and one filled with frustration. While browsers primarily connect you to your favourite search engines, they offer...