by | Dec 27, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
On Saturday 23rd, 2017, the KPL (King Pro League) of Arena of Valor in this season ended, and a team named QGhappy crowned the final champion and got their prize: 1,200,000RMB (around 200,000 in dollars) and some other gifts. As one of the most popular mobile games in...
by | Dec 20, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
While Black Friday and Cyber Monday get a lot of attention, they aren’t the only seasons you need to worry about your credit card. With Christmas coming with only a few days, how to survive this key holiday shopping season is an inevitable matter. In our post today,...
by | Dec 11, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
The Crunch: On-the-go employees are working online more today than ever before, often accessing the Web via desktop, laptop, tablet, and cellphone — all in the same day. The Maxthon multi-platform web browser allows those workers to use a single browser while moving...
by | Dec 6, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
It is widely accepted that we are now in the age of Internet, but like it or not, our brains haven’t been inured to the environment of information explosion. Though we may do much more reading than before, the in-depth reading, however, is not enough. Then how could...
by | Nov 28, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
From the latest version of Maxthon5 browser V5.1.3.2000, a checkbox to turn on and off hardware acceleration in Maxthon5 browser is available in the Settings page, which means you can enable or disable the hardware acceleration feature according to your device’s...