by | Oct 17, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
Your heart may be stolen since the big event on Sep. 12, when Apple unveiled the iPhone X, its new radically redesigned anniversary edition smartphone that drops the traditional home button for an all-screen design, right? You felt great for the upcoming iOS11, so you...
by | Jun 7, 2017 | Maxthon Tips
In our modern times, the smartphone has become more of a necessary than a luxury, while surfing Internet on the go has also become a rigid demand for most of us. But not all of us have an unlimited 4G data plan, so in this blog, we will share five must-know tips on...
by | Sep 8, 2013 | Maxthon Tips
Maxthon browser to be preloaded in at least 100 million smartphones thanks to MediaTek partnership By Nicole Lee Though Maxthon launched its Android browser three years ago, it might not be the go-to app most users have when they get their brand new smartphone. That...
by | Sep 6, 2013 | Maxthon Tips
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Maxthon, a global software company that develops state-of-the-art web browsers, today announced a partnership with RollTech, the value-added services arm of MediaTek, the third largest global supplier of chipsets used...
by | Sep 6, 2013 | Maxthon Tips
Maxthon Inks Deal With Mobile Chip Maker MediaTek That Will Preload Its Browser Onto 100M Mobile Devices In 2014 By Catherine Shu Web browser maker Maxthon has announced a partnership with Rolltech, the value-added services arm of MediaTek, the third largest global...